Trip to Sweden

In the past the tire favored more southern countries. So it was obvious that he had to head north this summer. The tire and Stefan had already booked the trip, when Andreas "had to" join the trip last-minute. So the usual suspects would join for another trip. The destination: Dalsland-Nordmarken, Sweden. One week of canoeing through the nature reserve. For we didn't have to prepare our trip, we could just look forward to it. After a 16 hours trip we were finally there. Then we had to look about how to get our equipment. In the evening we were ready and seated in our full-loaded canoe together with the tire. Because of the weather we had some difficulty at the first evening, but the following days we were pretty lucky with finding places to camp on our one. The most impressive places were of course while we were on the water. For the fact that it came out to be difficulty to keep the camera water protected and handy, we did not take as much pictures as usual. But you don't have to miss them at all. Come and see!

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